The Evil of The Doctrine of Eternal Security
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The first teacher of eternal security is the serpent, which said to Eve, “Ye shall not surely die”. Eve believed the teaching, and died.
This doctrine is designed attract people who want like the comfort of deceiving themselves that they can enter the Kingdom of God by staying immoral.
Jesus did not teach it. Paul did not teach it. Jude warned against it. There are more than 100 bible verses that tell us that eternal life in Jesus Christ is conditional upon a someone who:
believes in Jesus Christ and accepts Him as Lord and Savior,
2) displays
evidence of true belief through works of the Holy Spirit in his life ( i.e. transformation ) towards h
oly living and repentance,
endures until the end, never denying Jesus,
Proponents of the doctrine of eternal security will always deny the 2nd and the 3rd conditions. By their teaching, once a person accepts Jesus Christ, he can never lose it whatever he does, including the most abominable sins like homosexuality and adultery, and turning away from God to paganism. In the convoluted minds of these teachers, even as they take away from the word of God, they argue that a believer is adding to the completed work of Jesus Christ if he acts to resist the devil by doing anything to keep himself holy before God.
There are evil people who knowing the evil of this doctrine continue to promote it for the purpose of filthy lucre. They are not stupid. They are evil. Yet there are many "educated" Christians who stupidly believe in this convoluted argument. A person can even be educated in a bible college but remains stupid.
The evil of this doctrine is obvious. The motive is to attract members, as many as possible, for more members means more dollars. If they preach true Christianity, which is salvation through holiness, they would not get members. This is because the Western society probably has more homosexuals and adulterers who are not interested in giving up their licentious habits, than people who desire holy living. No members means no filthy lucre for the pastors. Malaysian pastors are also taking up this false doctrine, for the benefits in ringgit is obvious.
Just listen to this so-called pastor, Donald Coleman respond to the case of an abandonment and adultery :