A Practicing Gay Is No Christian!
Do not be deceived! Do these "gays" not know that being a homosexual is wrong? They do! or else they would not change the term from "homosexual" to "gay". They know that to be homosexual is bad, so they change it into "gay" to make it sound acceptable. It is just exactly like changing word "murder" of unborn children to "abortion" to make it sound acceptable.
A very basic simple truth of the bible is this - the bible condemns sodomites and homosexuals! God hates sodomy.
Lev 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
It is an abomination to God. An abominable sin! The episode of Sodom and Gomorrah makes it clear enough.
Yes, God does love all human beings. But that does not mean God loves us for our sins. God may love us even while we are still sinning. Does not the bible say that Jesus came into this world to die for us while we were sinners! But a holy God does not love sinners for the sin. He died for sinners in order to save sinners out of sin. And, the sinners who come to Jesus Christ MUST REPENT of their sins to be saved, for they were saved FROM their sins! They were not saved so that they can continue in it. Therefore, if a homosexual comes to Christ, he is to REPENT ( i.e to say, STOP all his homosexual activities and live a holy life from then on ) in order to ensure that he is saved.
But this “pastor” does not repent! He has not even repented. He continues to sin in homosexuality. He even openly commits sodomy with this “marriage”! So, he does not obey Christ. A person who does not obey Christ cannot be a Christian! He is anti-Christ - against Christ. For Christ said in John 14:15 “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” This abominable man does not keep the commandment of Jesus Christ to repent! It is obvious that he has deleted these 3 verses out of his bible:
1Co 6:9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 1Co 6:10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
1Co 6:11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. ( NKJV bible ).
Clear enough? It takes an idiot not to understand the above verses. "Washed and sanctified" - to continue in homosexuality is to get oneself dirty again! What then is the use of the washing and sanctification? And it takes a "bent-on-sinning" and hardened heart to deny these verses. So this pastor cannot be a Christian. He is just using Christianity to further a profession, to earn a good money out of people who want a “good-feeling lovey lovey” religion which at the same time allows them to enjoy all the worst of carnal lusts of the body. He creates a niche market for himself.
Do not be deceived! This man is no Christian, whatever he claims. Christianity is all about truth and the freedom to choose good and evil. And good and evil is measured by God's unchanging standards, not the ever changing and fickle values of man. For that reason, Christianity does not believe in using a body of falliable human beings to govern what is right or wrong. A believer who builds a DIRECT relationship with God will know this truth, because the Holy Spirit will guide him. Because of this, Christianity IS NOT a religion. Christianity is about a relationship with God, loving His Truth and WALKING in those truths. Anybody and any body of people can claim to be Christian, there is no governing body of falliable humans to stop anyone from claiming to be so. Which is why cults like the Jehovah Witnesses, 7th Day Adventists, Mormons and the likes exist, and they put up a Christian front, use Christian terminologies and words ( using different definitions and meanings in order to deceive ) but disobey the commandments of Jesus. They are not Christians, however much good works they do and polite they show themselves to be.
So too, with this abomination of a man. The Word of God, in 1Cor 6-9-10 condemns this man and his followers. Homosexuals and sodomites has no part of the Kingdom of God. Period. Only those whose lustful hearts yearn for homosexuality and those who have pleasure in them who do it ( see Roman 1:32) will follow him.
Do not be mistaken. God is not against any transgender or eunuchs. God does not accept the homosexual behavior.
Jesus says in John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”.
Thursday, 11 August 2011 15:10
Gay Malaysian pastor to tie the knot with his partner
Written by Malaysia Chronicle
Press reports stated that Rev Ou Yang Wen Feng (pic) was likely to wed the Broadway musical producer by the end of the month or early September with ceremonies planned in New York and Malaysia.
Ou Yang told AFP in an interview in Hong Kong that his partner had popped the question on June 26, two days after New York City legalised same-sex marriages.
“He went to a church and wrote a song for me. He proposed at the end of the song in public,” the 41-year-old pastor said.
Ou Yang, who now serves at the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) in New York, urged gay men and women to speak out to “break the vicious cycle” and help fight misconceptions about the gay community.
According to the MCC homepage, the church is part of an international movement of Christian churches reaching out to all, including homosexuals, bisexuals and transsexuals.
“When society discriminates against gay people, you only push gay people into the closet,” Ou Yang said.
Ou Yang’s “coming out” took place in 2006 when he published the story of his decision to make public his sexual orientation, after a nine-year marriage to his now ex-wife, whom he described as an “angel“.
“She asked for a divorce, and this is the biggest gift she could ever give me, she set me free. I owe her big time,” said the pastor who grew up in a conservative Christian family.
Several netizens praised Ou Yang, who has tattoos on his shoulder and arm, as the “most trendy pastor”. They said they had not spotted other pastors wearing ear-rings.
Some said he looked like Hong Kong actor David Wu and Chinese actor Chang Chen.
Ou Yang, a former columnist with Sin Chew Daily, said Kuala Lumpur was “growing and developing” with Sunday services and bible studies.
Ou Yang’s best friend, known only as Joe, was quoted by Guang Ming Daily as saying that he was happy for the couple.
That is the trouble with your religious fanatics views. You talk of the Almighty the Omnipotent who is perfect in all aspect. You talk of the all forgiving GOD, but you cannot forgive or accept that there are aberration in GOD"S creation( your views). In the animal kingdom homosexuality exist. Why can't you just leave them alone. This world have too much problems and 2 homosexual comes out of the closet, you villify them as though they are already in hell. SO the concept in GOD is that he is not perfect after all, don't you agree?
ReplyDelete@Judas Iscariot,
ReplyDeleteHomosexuality is a choice ... not a aberration. It is a choice made out of lust, to behave as animals.
The condemnation comes from God. Men do not like to be told by God what to do. All standards of right and wrong is measured by that which is set by God, who is perfect. Men's standards are fickle and change all the time.
Christians accept homosexuals, not homosexuality. Bible also says, Christians are to judge the homosexuals in the church; God judges those outside. ( 1Co 5:12 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? ) So you must be clear about bible teachings.