Read also:
- Of Pastor Kong Hee and His Defenders
- Followers of Kong Hee - Choosing To Stay Deceived?
How do I feel?
Am I supposed to be happy that Kong Hee and gang are all found guilty? I suppose I am. And again, I am not supposed to be, after all not one sen from my pocket went into his. Nonetheless at first I did feel sad for the poor Singaporean sheep that got fleeced, but now I don't. They are feeling great, gracious and generous clapping themselves proud that have a pastor like that. And so, now I am writing only for the sake of other sheep everywhere else that they may learn not to be fleeced, and seek to be fed instead.
What I do know
Kong Hee is not the first, neither will he be the last. More to come. More will come. There will be more fake pastors coming out of the woodwork with even greater amounts of cheated monies. Kong Hee and gang are just a trickle in a lake full of charlattans who are caught. All of them could have started off very sincerely wanting to serve the LORD but along the way, astounding success in numbers bringing in loads of cash every week opens the way to tempation. So many could have started off being genuine ......... could have. But these days, I do suspect that the bible colleges and seminaries are churning out not a few very professionally-minded pastors who are highly professionally inclined to make their career a financially successful one. Gone are the days when pastorship is a calling. Those who caught do nothing to serve as a warning to those who are still stilling from the sheep. They are fleecing the flock instead of feeding the flock as commanded by Jesus. They merely remind these professional crooks to remember to wipe the sides of their mouths better than Kong Hee did. The bible has always been sounding believers with beware! beware! beware! warnings. But who is listening?
Come to think of it, no wonder that 6 out of the 9 times the word "pastor" appears in the King James Version of the Bible tells of a rebuke by the LORD on it. So why do these fake pastors still thrive and thrive very well? The bible has given us the answer well in advance that (1) Believers with itching ears will arise first, i.e. there is first a demand for them and (2) . False pastors will arise to fill in the demand to scratch their itching ears, will increase to meet the demand.
And surely you would have read about how Kong Hee responded to his conviction. Not a word of remorse. Not a word of repentance. Instead of feeling repentant, he proudly declared that he will "
trust that whatever the outcome, He (GOD) will use it for our good (Romans 8:28)."
They Are Feeling Proud of themselves
Predictably as with all cults, the members of the CHC the City Harvest cult sheepishly continue to follow the orders of its npw fallen leader who sensing no escape for him at the court appointed his wife as successor in the wating ."My wife shall rule in my stead and thou shalt follow her in order to find God". What do I have against Sun Ho? Nothing. I don't know her and she don't know I exist. I am just commenting on facts about the sheep in a cult and their behavior. Cult mesmerized under a cult's mind control cannot accept simple truths, neither hard truths, much less unpleasant truths. They will only sound "baa baa" to the voice of their cult leader. Otherwise, why should they not see that a church should not be led by a worldly, sluttish woman who dresses like a harlot prancing to the world in half naked body trying to gain world fame?
Here is a sampling of some previous Cheaters:
- Jim Bakker, sex and accounting fraud
- Pastor Willard Jones got a prison sentence Monday for embezzling money from charity.2015
- 2014 David Yonggi Cho Responds to Guilty
- 2012 Megachurch pastor Wiley Jackson, brother indicted for securities fraud
- Sun Myung Moon ( Moonies cult) - Leader of Unification Church, imprisoned for criminal tax fraud in the 1980s.
- Tele-evangelist hall of shame : You might as well visit this since you are here.
Be warned! You have been warned!
Joh 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. ( that is, if you want to know)