Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Calvinism - Mutates Like A Virus

Combating Calvinism Is Like Combating an Ever Mutating Virus

"Calvinists have to keep changing forms and defences, and alter their explanations in order to keep their untruths in place."

Read about: 
  1. Variants of Calvinism
  2. Types of TULIPs

Just like A Virus

It is known that viruses mutate over time to become more resistant to antibiotics. So too, with Calvinism. Mutation results in various variant forms of the virus, making combating it a difficult thing. Calvinism is like a virus which is ever mutating into different forms and shades. Calvinists themselves openly admit that there are many forms of Calvinism.  There is the Extreme Calvinism, Moderate Calvinism, Full Five Point Calvinist who believe in some form of free will, and the "less than five point" calvinist. There is also the calvinist who denies he is a calvinist, but who believes in the full sovereignty and grace of God, total depravity of man. I find it difficult to accurately describe the many forms of it.

We do not know which  form of Calvinism we can be attacked with, or by at any one time. And it is therefore difficult to be ready at all times to put up a ready defence when we encounter an attack.

A Recent Mutation

John G. Reisinger , a calvinist, and a professional one I suppose, displays an example of that devious mutational ability in a web article. This writer started off by agreeing with what are apparently non-calvinst positions, i.e.,

  •  Point One, man must repent to be saved,
  • Point Two , anyone who repents will be saved,
  • Point Three:  Repentance and faith are not vicarious but are the free acts of men.

Do you see the mutation that has taken place? From man being unable to repent, he has agreed that man  can, and mst repent after all! . From unconditional election, it has mutated to ANYONE who repents will be saved, making it sound like unconditional election is no longer there!  From NO FREE WILL, it has mutated to "Repentance and faith are not vicarious but are FREE ACTS of men, playing on the word FREE to make it sound like there is some form of free will after all!!.

Devious, devious, devious! And when you come to Point Four, without any kaboom, he smoothly slipped back into the true Calvinist form again. By then, the unwary reader's defences has already been disarmed by the apparent admissions of free will, and no more unconditional election. And he smoothly proclaims that what he wrote was not to prove that there is free will, nor he agreed that total depravity does not mean total inability and he goes on to propose that the totally depraved man still needs the Holy Spirit to regenerate him before he can exercise the free acts to repent and show faith! Oh, really? What a quick sleight of the hand act! What a slick lawyer's play with words with the bait and switch tactic. Slick! Sly! Make it look like he agrees with you and slickly continue stating the standard calvinism after making it look like he does not agree with it with the fist three points.  By the time he reached point six, hardcore calvinist identifiers are all out in the open, just like a virus which can never change its identifiers,  Viruses can only mutate to disguise itself, but the markers remain.  Similarly, Calvinism mutates to disguise itself, but the markers remain. Devious, even  diabolical.

A further Mutation. It is " There is free will" now, but to choose evil.

As I read what Reisinger wrote, I noted a further mutation in their theoglogy.  A new mutated defence had evolved in addition to the above, which is  to counter the established scriptural antidote against it. You see,  Calvinism had always stood firmly that man has NO free will at all. Zero!  God in His sovereignty predestined everything in and for him. But this had not stood up well at all in the face of scriptures.  Scriptures reveal that man does have the ability to choose after all. In Deut 30:19 Moses had told the people to choose, i.e. they have the free will to choose. In Joshua 20:15, Joshua told the people to CHOOSE between God and other gods. Yes, they can choose after all. And in 1 King18:21 Elijah told the people to CHOOSE. They do have the freedom, free will if you will to decide but they chose to keep silent. Calvinists are stumped by these. Still are.

A new solution needed to evolve. Reisinger provided it. Now it is this. God's sovereignty decides everything. But man has free will ( Oooops!) But it is free will to choose evil, not choose God's side. See how devious is their new argument?  That is how Reisinger has put it.

GOOD TRY. It is a trick argument. God is still sovereign in an absolute way, but man has some free will after all. See the compromise Reisinger made worded to sound like the stand is still the same? It is a trick argument.  A trick argument remains just that. A trick. And a trick is used to deceive, else it is not termed a trick.

So, why do Calvinists need to resort to these slick and sly methods of defence? Is it not because they have realized that their so-called truths are hard to defend, and promote? Would you need to compromise and disguise the appearances of your truths if your truths can stand up to scrutiny? Why do you resort to such hidden dagger methods to attack? WHY?

Jesus said in John 8:32 : And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.


Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Refuting"Total Depravity" in Calvinism


  How Calvinists Perversed "Total Depravity"

The Evil of Calvinism

See also:

A calvinist may not be an evil person, but calvinism is evil. It is an evil doctrine which has insiduously installed itself as a mainstream Christian doctrine, when in reality, it is a doctrine which blasphemes God in the one breath, using the same words which purportedly extol the virtues of God.  The average calvinist is not evil, but he practices the evil of calvinism which praises God while insidiously attacking the nature of God for being unrighteous and unjust at the same time. Whatever you hear out of the mouth of a calvinist purportedly praising God's sovereignty and power, always apply the question "what are you really saying on the obverse side?", ie. what are you REALLY saying about God? And you will find that calvinists are actually saying God is the CAUSE of all sins, evil having predestined everything; and then to cover their mouths which is lying, denying they do not mean that. But that's what you just said!! The heart of the evil of calvinism lies in their doctrine of predestination in which God had predestined Adam to sin in the first place. The rest of their evil hinges on this.

Calvinists, Murderers in the Name of Christ

Calvinism is slippery as a snake, the father of all lies, who was a murderer from the beginning, as Jesus had said of the devil. Truly John Calvin, the source of calvinist teachings was indeed a murderer, who had caused  Michael Servetus to be burned at the stake because Michael Servetus disputed his teachings. Not that a snake is actually slippery, but that it does give you that feeling that it is. Blur-blur calvinists wanna-bes out to extol themselves choose to be blissfully ignorant of John Calvin's part in the death of Servetus. 7 years before Servetus was killed, John Calvin rooted for his death, having written such to his friend, Thomas Ferrell dated February 13, 1546   :

"If he [Servetus] comes [to Geneva], I shall never let him go out alive if my authority has weight"

Other calvinist leaders were part of this heinous act of murdering in the name of Christ, and would continue to murder today, if the laws of the land had not changed. Judge for yourself what saith John Know, a calvinist leader of that time: "Now to you justifiers of Servetus: Servetus was an abominable blasphemer against God; and you are justifiers of Servetus: therefore ye are blasphemers before God, like abominable as he was"

Yes, calvinists have murdered in the name of Jesus . Knowledgeable calvinists with PhDs. continue to defend or excuse Calvin's part in the death of Servetus. People like Dr. Mark Talbot, Dr James White, etc ignore the words of Calvin, like what he wrote after the death of Servetus "Do not fail to rid the country of these scoundrels, who stir up the people to revolt against us. Such monsters should be exterminated, as I have exterminated Servetus the Spaniard" That what he wrote to Michael Paet, High Chamberlain of the King of Navarre.  The evil will defend their evil ones.

Yes, I agree that Servetus was a heretic. But is it CHRISTIAN to root for the death of a heretic, Mr. PhD in Christian theology? Was to Ok because it was done in those days? Would you not declare me a heretic and want me dead for stirring revolt today against you, if you can and declare that it was done in the understanding of the days, and not the scriptures? Can  you allow me the same privilege to declare you a heretic and proclaim you deserving of death in the name of Jesus the Christ?

The first time I faced a calvinist who had tried to force his perverted teachings onto me, I was totally caught off guard. I could see he was pushing nonsense to me. I could see he was throwing confusion into all I that I had, trying to fend him off. But I was unprepared then. I did not have the full information at hand to do a point for point defence against his nonsensical attacks. He came at me in the manner the Jehovah Witness cultists whom I often debated would do, preprogrammed, well-prepared and well-armed with this verse and that including the verse numbers. But I, on the other hand, could only vaguely remember my verses, but not the verse numbers. But still, that was enough to cause him to become agitated at my resistance. This calvinist was a man I had always viewed as one of my mentors in Christianity, a teacher of the bible in a college, who used to have a solid foundation in bible knowledge.  He is not an evil man who intentionally works against God. Of this, I am very sure. In fact, he has  zeal for God, but not knowledge despite the fact that there was a time he had good knowledge but now, he knows not what he has become and is doing.  How he had changed into a calvinist, I do not know. How he could be changed, I do not know either; but the devil has his ways.

Then, I was not prepared, but now I have done so.

Calvinism is best recognized by the acronym T.U.L.I.P.
Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement.
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the saints.

What is Total Depravity?

This part will deal with Calvinists extreme rendition of Total Depravity.

Let me first affirm my agreement with the state of total depravity of mankind. I agree that mankind is born with the seed of iniquity in him, and is naturally bent on sinning. It comes naturally. No parents teach their babies to be selfish, covetous, to lie or to steal. With the seed of iniquity in them, babies do it naturally as they grow up. Again, I agree that mankind is totally depraved, but not in the way calvinists have twisted its meaning to be, in order to push through their evil definitions in the remaining letters ULIP that follow the letter T,  to blaspheme our holy God , even as they pretend to extol His virtues. To extol the sovereignty of God and to insinuate that He is the God who condemns those that He did not enable to be saved to hell is to call this holy God unjust. This, they have done but this, will they deny.

How Calvinists Twist The Meaning of "Total Depravity".

My understanding of the nature of total depravity of man is that man by himself is incapable of doing good for the sake of goodness and out of love. Total depravity means that man on his own cannot seek God and do good to honor God out of his fear for God. But it does not means that a depraved man is totally incapable of doing any good works. For do not we in real life see wicked men being kindly to their own mothers and people they love? Do not we see gangsters doing good deeds, too save that they do what they do for selfish, self-serving reasons and not for the sake of true righteousness? Bad people perform often charity to portray themselves in good light in order to get the praise of men, to gain hand claps and recognition! But those who know God and who are known of God are moved by the Holy Spirit to do good works in love,  so that the people who see their good deeds will glorify the Father in heaven.

However, the calvinists have perverted their understanding of the total depravity instead to become the total inability of a man to respond to the goodness of God to reach out to him. Watch Out against this slippery switch!. They bait and switch their arguments very rapidly between inability to do good and inability to seek God and respond to the goodness of God, causing you to become confused in your attempts to counter their claims. And they do all this just so that they can slip in the evil insinuation that the holy God is not so holy and just after all, because He had predestined some by election to be saved, and predestined others to be damned by not choosing them. The evil that is Calvinism mis-characterized the appearances of "predestination" in the bible to mean that God took away the free will of a man to respond to the goodness of God to be saved,  and in doing so, portray God as an unjust God who damns those He made incapable of choosing to be saved. See how Peter so clearly said of God : 2Pe 3:9  The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.  The calvinist teaching of total depravity goes directly against this scripture which says that God wants ALL to come to repentance and be saved.

The perverted total depravity doctrine came into existence only about 500 years ago. And this is what Justin Martyr says of that Calvinist twisting of predestination.
  • For if it is predetermined that this man will be good, and this other man will be evil, neither is the first one meritorious nor the latter man to be blamed. And again, unless the human race has the power of avoiding evil and choosing good by free choice, they are not accountable for their actions.” -Justin Martyr (100-165 A.D.)
 Note  the above and compare it to what the calvinist are pushing to you. They are saying that man is still accountable for their actions even though God had not given them the power of avoiding evil.
 And here's what Tatian says of the free will that God had in fact given to man, which the calvinists say God did not:

  •  “We were not created to die. Rather, we die by our own fault. Our free will has destroyed us. We who were free have become slaves. We have been sold through sin. Nothing evil has been created by God. We ourselves have manifested wickedness. But we, who have manifested it, are able again to reject it.” -Tatian (120-180 A.D.)
Calvinism, which started in the 1500s says some of mankind, in fact most of mankind is created to die.  Would these twisters ever show you what these early church fathers had said concerning the free will of men to choose? Of course not. Here's what Ireneus explained to the early church:
  • “But man, being endowed with reason, and in this respect similar to God, having been made free in his will, and with power over himself, is himself his own cause that sometimes he becomes wheat, and sometimes chaff.” -Ireneus (130-202 A.D.)
Clear enough? I can quote more sayings of the church fathers to refute the calvinists' error here. But, I will let you dig for them yourselves. If you are keen enough to fight this evil, you will find the time and interest to do it. You will find that the cleverer calvinist is at best able to quote Augustine to find support for their twisted version of total depravity. And you might as well know that Augustine was also the father of the convoluted Roman Catholic doctrines.

Is Man Totally Unable to Fear God and choose to do good ?

The calvinists say yes, man cannot choose to do good. But let us look at Mannaseh, the Judah King who had promoted idolatry in Judah, burned his own sons alive in sacrifice to idols and did all manners of evil. The bible says that the Lord sent the Assyrians to capture him and exiled him in hooks to Babylon. There at Babylon, the bible says in 2Chr33: "when he was in affliction, he besought the LORD his God, and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathersYES! Mannaseh CHOSE to repent when he was suffering and the bible says God heard him and forgave him. Does it say anywhere, anywhere at all that God, enabled him to respond to the suffering this time around, while earlier on in  2Ch 33:10  when "the LORD spake to Manasseh, and to his people: but they would not hearken. "  He would not hearken, no could not hearken. WOULD NOT, see it??  Total depravity is not about not being able to respond. Total depravity is about not able to do good for the sake of righteousness and pureness of heart. To be deprave does not mean to be unable.

Does Regeneration Come First? or Salvation Comes Before Regeneration?

Here, it is necessary to address the calvinist tactic of using acrobatic semantics to confuse you in order to argue you down. They are very fond of this. Calvinists will assail you with the argument that a sinner needs to be "regenerated", i.e. made alive first before he can respond to accept the grace of God to save him. The logic they try to force down your throat with intimidating tones is that a sinner is dead in his sins, and being so, a "dead man" cannot react to God's grace unless God makes him alive first. And you, being unused to their nonsensical attacks becomes too confused to counter them. Think. A man who is dead in his sins is not physically dead. If he is, then it would be true that he is unable to react to God's grace. But that is not so. He is still alive and being alive, he can feel and think, which can cause him to repent. That was what we saw with Mannaseh above.

Calvinists may even attempt to use the case of Lazarus being resurrected to life by Jesus to support their argument that regeneration has to come first. You forget that Lazarus was already a believer in Jesus. And you forget that Lazarus was physically dead, not spiritually dead. And this example has no relevance to the issue of salvation. Lazarus was already  a believer who was physically dead, and Jesus commanded his departed spirit to return to the dead body, not made his spirit which is dead to come alive to receive salvation. See how devious calvinist arguments are?

No, regeneration does not come before salvation. Salvation brings about regeneration. A person who is truly saved enjoys the workings of the Holy Spirit in him, which makes him bear the fruits of salvation. It is the faith exercises first to believe in Jesus Christ that opens the way for the Holy Spirit to live in him. It is not the Holy Spirit that caused him to believe first and with faith coming out afterwards. Be aware of their illogical tactics presented with an aggressive stance to batter you into submission and acceptance. I repeat, NO, faith comes first to receive salvation, and regeneration results from salvation.

The calvinist error about regeneration before salvation is of their own making. They had erroneously considered faith to be works. Using this premise, they proceed to argue that the bible says that works do not save, and being so, faith cannot come before salvation. But what does Paul tell us in Romans? If faith which they consider is works can result in salvation, then salvation can no longer be considered to have come by grace. The failed to notice that for them to continue in this line of argument they are refuting themselves. They capitalize on the average Christian's confusion with work works and grace to argue their case. Let it be known here that wherever the bible speaks of works not being able to save, the bible is referring to the works of the law of Moses; the bible is not speaking of good works of love which are the fruits of the spirit. And that is exactly what the scripture means where it says "Faith, without works is dead". It is not refering to works of law, but works of the spirit. Faith that does not manifest the works of the spirit is dead faith. Simple, and not what the Calvinists batter you with.

Finally, this should scripture will put the calvinists' "regeneration first, salvation after" idiocy to its grave. Calvinistic insistently claim that one must have life first ( be regenerated first) before he can see life ( i.e. gain salvation). But scripture says exactly the opposite of it.

John 3:36 "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth upon him"

Get it?  He that believeth not the Son shall not see life! Get it? Not get life first, followed by faith, have faith first, believe first, then get see life.


And so, is it true that man is totally depraved? Sure! He is, but not in the way Calvinist put it.

We know man is not able to do good for the sake of goodness to others. But man is able to choose good, and to seek God when he is in pain and suffering. Yes, he does it for selfish reasons, which is why he is totally depraved. And now, I also know how to put it, total depravity is not total ability. See? And he is not as totally unable to choose good as you think. For his own selfish good, he can still choose to do good.

It is faith in Jesus that leads to salvation; true faith leads to true salvation and we know the faith is true when it results in visible display of the fruits of the spirit. If you cannot understand this, it is not because you are stupid. It is because you don't want to.

Jesus said in John 8:32 "and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free".
I am free. I do not know if you are.

Sunday, October 05, 2014

The Evil That Is Called Calvinism

Calvinism's "Sovereignty of God":

 Praising  and Blaspheming  God With One Fell Breath

See also: 
Refuting"Total Depravity" in Calvinism

I just got whacked by a stroke on 13th August, 2014. I am recovering and typing with more difficulty than usual, trying to get my fingers to obey my brain to type out in the proper sequence of the spelling. But praise the Lord, I am typing, and very well too. And that, with the neurosurgeon expressing his wonder why I am still mobile at all after he had looked at the MRI picture of my brain.  The Lord is indeed merciful and full of grace to me. This life of mine is no longer mine, but His; to serve His will and purpose. And one of His purposes for my time on this earth is to glorify Him and His truth. For God is truth. Amen.

The Devil Wants To Grind His Axe Against God

The bible tells us that God desires every (EVERY, not some) man to be saved. God has revealed His truth to us in order that ALL (not some, not just the elected ones ) who believe may be saved. But the bible also reveals that Satan has been working against God, for the devil had wanted to "be like the most high” and, God in His mercy to satan kicked him out of the kingdom of God instead of putting him out of existence. The devil still wants to be like God, and he is not showing any appreciation for God’s mercy upon him. Instead, he is doing all that he can, using all means he can devise, to draw mankind away from God, and in his spitefulness, to demean God along the way.

Casting Doubts Against The Truth of God.

There are many evils against the truth of God. They come in all forms; in the forms of Gnosticism, agnosticism, or other religions that deny the deity of Jesus, who is God Himself who came in the flesh to this earth 2000 years ago. These are movements which are out to prevent as many of the human race as is possible from coming to Jesus to be saved. There are also feigned Christian movements like Jehovah Witnesses and the Mormons, and hundreds of so called churches which put on the Christian label while a gospel message which is very different from that which Jesus taught, which will keep their followers on the original road to hell. Feigned Christianity will  preach a different Jesus,too;  a Jesus who is essentially different from the one revealed in the bible. They often preach also a different spirit which is not the Holy Spirit  shown to us in the bible. Does not 2Co 11:4 warn of us of these people who will be teaching about another Jesus in order to deceive?

And, there are also the so called "intellectuals", who call themselves atheists, new agers, evolutionists who disguise themselves as “scientists” ( for there is true science, and also pseudo-science ) who often succeed in misleading those whose hearts are prideful of themselves, by making themselves and others think that belief  in God, or the word of God would turn them into morons. And thus, they say there is no god.  For truly, the bible has also explained long before of people “who, professing themselves to be wise, they became fools ….”. For does not the bible also record “The fool has said in his heart there is no God”?

Calvinism – The Evil That Works From Within.

And there is Calvinism, the most evil and deceiving of them all, which is ominously disguised as a mainstream God-loving, God-praising doctrine, but which in reality backstabs God even as it praises and defends the glory and sovereignty of God. There is nothing more wicked than that. The Chinese call this kind of approach yinxian 阴险, i..e. sinister, treacherous and insidious wickedness. There is nothing more wicked as this, as with Judas, who feigned love and discipleship of Jesus, with the intent only to betray the Him. If you claim to be a Calvinist, you are such a one. But, you will likely in one way or another attempt to deny that you are really a full Calvinist. Now, why do you have to make yourself sound less than calvinist? Does it not reveal that somewhere in your heart, you have sensed there is  evil in Calvinism? Does calling yourself a lesser evil make you ok before the holy God that you attack?

While others attack Christianity from the outside, Calvinism works from within disguised as a mainstream teaching.  

http://www.discerningtheworld.com/images/wpi/JohnCalvin-Murderer.jpgJesus said to the Jews in Joh 8:44  "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning."  Who is a John Calvin but one who murdered other Christians in the name of Jesus Christ and His truth! For Calvin had ordered the death of Michael Servetus who had disagreed with his teachings. Murder in the name of Jesus? Oh, my! Did Jesus say to His followers “Kill them that disagree with you”? Did Jesus say “Force them to believe” ? Do you remember what happened in Luke 9:54? There, a Samaritan village refused to receive Jesus, and His disciples James and John suggested "Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?" Did Jesus agree to call down fire to kill the villagers? No! Jesus rebuked the two of them for the suggestion. Killing of unbelievers is the way of the devil. Do you think Calvin, who ordered the death of someone who disagreed with his teachings, was a follower of Jesus or a follower of satan?   And you,  are a Calvinist, a self-professed follower of one who murders others in the name of the Lord? No wonder you people so often need to find a reason to deny that you are a “Full Calvinist”!. For truly, you are of the devil, your father for he was a murderer!

How Does Calvinism Praise, Worship and Demean God In One Fell Breath?

Here’s how. Calvinism stresses the sovereignty of God very highly, to the extent that God alone make all decisions, including salvation. This is praising God. Calvinism also teaches the incomparable and irresistible grace of God. This is honoring God’s very nature. And have you noticed that in their explanation of God’s great sovereignty and grace, Calvinists also say that God ELECTS those He wants to save, meaning God CHOOSES only some, not all to be saved? They say, it is God’s absolute right to choose, He is sovereign, and you cannot question it. But you have not noticed that the reverse side of what they are saying is that GOD DOES NOT CHOOSE TO SAVE OTHERS, have you?  What the Calvinists are also saying, which they will also deny at the same time are these: ….

1) Calvinists Say That God is NOT ALL MERCIFUL.
That is stabbing the character and nature of God! God has revealed that He wants to save ALL not some.  Does not scriptures say that God desires ALL men to be saved? Does not ALL in 1Ti 2:4 mean ALL? Does not 2Pe 3:9 say that God is NOT WILLING THAT ANYONE should perish, i.e. not even one? Trust the Calvinists to redefine the word “all” to you. They have to, in order to get their mangled doctrine look acceptable to some of you. They are also implying that God does not know what He is talking about. When God says ALL, God does not know what all means…. Calvinists know better.

2) Calvinists Say That God is NOT A JUST GOD
People who reject the gospel are those who are not chosen by God. Because they were not chosen in the first place, even if they want to receive the gospel, they are incapable of doing so, because God did not enable them to do so! But God will judge them as fit for hell anyway. Are they not portraying to you that God is unjust. God did not choose them to be saved, and therefore they are not able to accept the gospel you preached to them, but God judge them anyway. Is that not something that you would expect the satan to tell you? Yes, Calvinism is satanic, deviously so.

Can you now see how the marks of the devil in the Calvinist approach of attacking God with their sugar-coated praises? Praise and stab …. All done at the same time. WOW! Truly evil~!

Am I saying that all Calvinists be not saved? No. Let me be very clear on this. We are saved by grace through faith in the completed work of Jesus on the cross, and that faith, if genuine will result in visible fruits of the spirit in our daily living. We are not saved by how cleverly we understand the nature of God. We can insult Jesus, but there is forgiveness for that. But I remember that Jesus said there is no forgiveness in this live or thereafter, for blaspheming the Holy Spirit. So what kind of a Calvinist are you? The sinning Calvinist or the blur-blur one who happens to love the praises of men more than God?

For a fact, there are many different shades of Calvinists. Some are innocent followers who do not even know that they are praising and demeaning God at the same time, but they have followed their leaders’ teachings because they love the praises of men more than the praises of God. There are others who follow Calvinist teachings for the reason that the Calvin teaching of eternal security offers them some ambiguous leeway to knowingly continue living in sin and tapping on the inexhaustible grace of God. This group I am sure, will not be saved.

Some leaders are Calvinists because they realize that the more subtle meanings inside Calvinism offers room for scripture twisting to draw in those looking for a more liberal lifestyle, and they can build a bigger membership number, and a bigger membership means $imply more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!

And so, if you have been pouting Calvinist teachings, ask yourself about your motives for being so. If you know you have unknowingly sinned against a holy God, know also that He is a merciful God. Have faith, confess and ask for His forgiveness. And don’t you believe that faith is works and therefore you should not work for your salvation. That, is another Calvinist lie.

I do not know if you have blasphemed the Holy Spirit with your Calvinist insults. If you have, there is no point praying for it, for the Jesus has said there is no forgiveness for blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and the bible says in 1Jn 5:16 ….There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it.

The truth is often unpleasant, isn't it?
For you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free: John 8:32

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

It is all about Talent Management

whatever else you may choose call it!

Tasty phoenix claws! But it is still chicken feet!
The Chinese named a very tasty dish “Phoenix Claws”.  “What’s that?”, you may ask.   The Phoenix, for the information of the ignorant, is a  mythological magnificent bird of East Asia that reign over all other birds.  And that absolutely tasty  dish stewed with mushroom is definitely not the chopped off claws of a phoenix. Those are chicken feet. You can change the name of a chicken to phoenix, but it is still a chicken. Nothing more.  A chicken is a chicken, is a chicken, is a chicken.

Chicken is not a phoenix, and a phoenix is no chicken. You can easily tell one from the other.
A chicken is no phoenix!

Which was why I resisted the title of Senior Business Partner in the institute at which I am serving.  I am a consultant, because that is exactly what I am. I own NOTHING of the institute. I do not even own the pen that I use when I am there. I own no shares, which is why I am not a partner. But I am a partner in Sow and Harvest Consulting Services. In fact, I am a Senior Partner of it, because I own the majority of the shares in Sow and Harvest Consulting Services. But I am not a senior business partner in the Institute.  I am just a consultant. Period. A consultant is a consultant, is a consultant, just as a chicken is a chicken, is a chicken.

What is the issue here?
Let’s get some sanity back into HR management. It is Human Resource management, not Human Resort management. In the history of management the decade before the advent of the 21st century witnessed the introduction of big job titles, which are nothing but misnomers, of the actual jobs.  Fancy job titles started to emerge. Grand sounding majestic titles in fact! As grand as the the chicken becoming the phoenix!  Quit the HR  culture of dishing out grand titles just to pamper feelings and emotions!

Here, it is easy to point the finger at the Americans and say that they started it, forgetting that the Chinese first saw it fit to call the chicken feet a phoenix claws, or to  term snake soup as a dragon broth, long before he Americans even thought of it.   We remember with awe, the advent of the job title of “Vice President” . Wow ! How grand! Vice President of Sales! Vice President of HR!  Bu we forgot, that before the Americans came up with VP , the British came up with Director of Sales and Director of Human Resources who were not even board members! Or that the Japanese started the use of the title GM of Admininstration and HR for what was the department manager!.

The issue is this, does the issuing of a grand sounding title make any difference to what matters in the job? You can put a monkey into a suit, and call that it a GM in the hope that this monkey will not run over to the tree.

Nowadays what used to be called Shampoo girls and face cleaners in a beauty saloon are called beauty consultants before they can even uphold themselves as one. Are they consultants simply because you call them so?

The giving of the title of a "consultant" to a monkey demeans not the monkey, it demeans the person who is a consultant. When you call a clerk a consultant, and the clerk continues behaves, thinks and acts like a clerk when facing your clients, it makes your organization look stupid and of a low standard!
Changing titles without required competencies !

A prostitute is  prostitute, and thinks and acts like prostitute. We have whorehouses changing the job titles of their prostitutes to nicer sounding names like “Guest Relations Officers”, i.e. GROs. That surely did not change the nature of what they do. In fact, this misuse threw a little slime on the job of Public Relations Officers!

Now, we have all heard that these days, it is difficult to get people into jobs which do no not have a nice ring to the job titles. And this has apparently resulted in the practice of calling monkeys by nicer names, which has improved some organizations' ability to retain the monkeys. But have you noticed that you have not been retaining the real talents that resented being classified with the monkeys?

So, let’s get some sanity back into HR Management. Instead of just “flowing with the current” as  garbage and debris do, be strong and swim against the current, and do what is right. The garbage always flow with the current. The strong swim against it. Abraham Lincoln swam against the current of slavery. Mahatma Ghandi swam against the current of political and social enslavement!.

Do not demean your organization and the professional titles by handing them out to the monkeys and chickens. Call a clerk a clerk. And, until that clerk has acquired the competencies and proves his capability to perform at a higher level, do not call him by any higher title, lest you demean it.

 Call a  salesperson a sales person, not sales advisor! And he is not a "sales advisor" unless he can, and is allowed to advise an inquirer to use the product of a competitor which is more suitable for him.  Otherwise, he is still your sales person!

Are you angry?

If you truly understand what I have been writing about here, you will see crucial elements of competency management, talent management coupled with corporate image building, protection and  communications!

If you are angry, at what I have written, think again. Maybe you happen to be the monkey with blown up job title, which is why you are angry. Maybe you happen to be the one calls the chicken a phoenix.. And if despite that,  you are facing endless talent management problems as it is, this is what I have o say to you “ Padan Muka Kamu” in the Malay language. The truth often does get unpleasant, does it not?

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Followers of Kong Hee - Choosing To Stay Deceived?

Sheep Never Learn

There must be a reason why Jesus calls us sheep. Sheep never learn about danger. Sheep do not heed warnings. Sheep treat the wolf as the sheep dog, and fares much worse when the wolf is dressed as a sheep!

Read also:
 A) Blindedly Loyal - Idolizing An Unrighteous Man
B) Wickedness After Wickedness
(Click for enclarged view)

Am I proud of the condition of the church these days?  No! I am embarrassed!  Do not I understand why the Muslims have so much to hurl at the wicked attire of Christian women? Why not? Even the wife of a pastor is attired as a harlot ........ and she has done it purportedly for the sake of the Lord! Horrors!

And yet I am not surprised things happen as they did. If they did not, I would have to chuck my bible into the dustbin. But I will never cease to marvel at the bible, which unceasingly warns us of the days of wickedness, where men will be lovers of themselves, and believers will heap upon themselves teachers who will tickle their ears! ( 2Ti 4:3  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;)

And  we are reminded by the bible thus:

2Ti 3:1  But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:
2Ti 3:2  For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
2Ti 3:3  unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good,2Ti 3:4  traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
2Ti 3:5  having a form of godliness but denying its power.

And, the bible warns:

And from such people turn away!
2Ti 3:6  For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts,
2Ti 3:7  always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth? What have they been teaching at the bible study classes? And how can they? They would not have absorbed anything good, for they are always enjoying the ears scratching parts!