The Intimidated Christian
Still on the matter of false prophets ....
The ordinary Christian is an intimidated lot. Maybe I should qualify it better this way, “The undiscerning Christians who are being led by the nose are an intimidated lot”. And they are greatly intimidated by one of the favorite threats of false teachers and false prophets, i.e. “Touch not the Lord’s Anointed”. But is every preacher, every bible teacher, every self-appointed apostle and every prophet anointed by God? Think!
Hey, how am I supposed to know if you are really the Lord’s anointed or if in fact you have been anointed by the devil if I do not care to check and ask questions? Does not the bible say “Test all things” ? So, is not asking questions a way to test all things?
Note also that Ps 105:15 says,
Psa 105:15 Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
which actually says do not physically harm or injure the God’s prophets. It does not say do not test them or do not question them! See how easily you can be misled?
And who are the anointed ones? The bible says::
2Co 1:21 Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God;
So, what makes you believe that only the leaders and special persons are anointed. Every Christian is anointed. That includes you, right? You are not anointed only because you read the bible but do not believe the bible.
An Objection Against Questioning
On Friday 20th Jan, 2012, I posted this question about an amazingly anointed evangelist on the Facebook wall of a friend:
It was a just a question and a statement of fact that I have certain suspicions. But that earned a reply from a friend of that Facebook friend who was not too happy with that an anointed of the Lord is being questioned:
You fellows have any other work to do? Jealous guys.
We were immediately accused of being “jealous” and implying we are gossipers ( do we have any other work to do?). So it is ok for this friend of a friend to judge and accuse us, but it is not ok for us to question and investigate first. So, we find the “Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judge” verse being used against us by a person who had first judged us without reading our motives. And this friend of a friend is obviously driven by that fearful phrase “Touch Not the Lord’s Anointed” and rushed in to protect the Lord's anointed one. Should I term this this person's attitude as naivety or should I term the person as an undiscerning follower of signs and wonders?
(To read the entire series of exchanges, go here!/armageddontimes/posts/166786216757826?notif_t=share_comment
Let me make a point clear at this stage. I am not saying that the Evangelist Daniel Mohan Singh is a fake. I am only asking questions about his tendency to emulate the showmanship-style of Benny Hinn. Now we all know that Benny Hinn is a proven false prophet ( Youtube: Benny Hinn's False Prophecies ), a proven false teacher of funny doctrines ( Listen Superman Adam etc ) and a proven adulterer while preaching holiness ( Youtube : Benny Hinn admits an inappropriate relationship with Paula White ) , who also would happen to say a lot of good things about Jesus and have a great testimony to tell, plus a lot of amazing acts of anointing to show you!
Jesus Warned… The Bible Warns
But let me also warn you with these few verses from Jesus, and the bible:
Mat 24:23 Then if anyone says to you, “Look, here is the Christ!" or “There!" do not believe it. Mat 24:24 For false Christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
Rev 13:12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. Rev 13:13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.
So am I saying Evangelist Daniel is a false prophet or that his power comes from the devil at this point in time? Good grief, NO! All I am saying is, let us check out his fruits and discern first. Praise the Lord if he is from God. Expose him if he is false.
The Great Effect of The False Prophets’ Threat
“Touch not the Lord’s Anointed, or else …….” You know, human beings have the knick of fearing the devil and the servant of the devil more than they fear God and the servant of God.
God told Adam do not eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil lest you die. Neither Adam nor Eve believed. The devil told Eve “Ye shall not surely die” if they eat of it, and both believed the devil.
The bible says “Greater is he that is in you and he that is in the world”, so we should not fear things of the dark nor unknown shadows. Yet, my young son fears the dark and cannot believe that the Holy Spirit is in him.
The servant of God tells us Jesus said that we are supposed to be perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect; we should worry about our sinning nature and strive not to sin. We find that troubling. But the false teacher says “we are human beings and we are not supposed to be perfect, so don’t worry about sinning”; and we are comforted.
Human being do tend to obey the devil more than God, especially if they choose to douse the fire of the Spirit in their lives.
So, the bible says to us to judge, and especially to judge against things that are wrong within the church, to use the word of God to reprove, to correct and to teach. But the devil’s preachers tell us not to judge, lest we be judged. And we believe the devil more than God.
Read and know
Paul criticized Peter, and recorded it in the bible so that for the last 2000 years, Christians can read about it; yet Peter never chided Paul “Touch not the Lord’s anointed”. Gal 2:11
False teachings and the names of false teachers like Hymanaeus and Alexander are exposed in the bible. 1Ti 1:20 Bad leaders like Diotrephes are named. 3Jn 1:9
The Bereans tested Paul’s teachings in Acts Acts 17:11 and were praised for it.
The Church of Ephesus tested those who call themselves apostles ( so, what about prophets?) and found them to be false; Jesus commended them for it. Rev 2
The bible says “test all things”. 1Th 5:21 and that is what we must do.
We are told to judge Christians 1Co 5:12, and not to judge the world.
“Touch not the Lord’s anointed” is not to be taken to mean that the false teacher and false prophet is not to be criticized. We are supposed to judge and judge we will, starting with those that are in the church. False teachers and false prophets are IN the church.
And, a complete teaching must include attention to Jesus’s reply to John in Luke 9:49-51 :
Luk 9:49 Now John answered and said, Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow with us. Luk 9:50 But Jesus said to him, Do not forbid him, for he who is not against us is on our side.
And that would mean to me that while we can criticize and warn others about the falsehood, and even name them we are not to take any physical action to stop him from doing what he is doing. We do not go into his gathering to disrupt his activities neither do we take any court injunction against his operations. But speak out, we must on the areas that are wrong. Yet, before we can know what is being taught or done wrongly, does it not start with questioning? Does questioning amount to touching the anointed?
Jesus says in John 8:32, "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."